Release Notes - James Server - Version 3.0-M2 - HTML format


  • [JAMES-241] - fail gracefully upon large messages/attachments
  • [JAMES-302] - Functionality of org.apache.james.dnsserver.DNSServer.getByName(String) is not symetric to
  • [JAMES-344] - FetchMail cannot parse particular format of "Received" header
  • [JAMES-457] - POP3 server doesn't perform an exlusive-access locks in a transaction required by rcf1939.
  • [JAMES-717] - AbstractStorageQuota use one queriesper mail to calculate the mailbox size . This is very ineffective and can cause problems with sql
  • [JAMES-795] - CLONE -If FetchMail cannot parse Received header, it cannot process the message even with <remotereceivedheader reject="false".../>
  • [JAMES-900] - Possible race-condition in MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy
  • [JAMES-1009] - Cleaning up DB enteries upon user account deletion
  • [JAMES-1102] - james-listmanager.xml file: invalid XML file format
  • [JAMES-1103] - spring-beans.xml schema reference is invalid
  • [JAMES-1106] - MimeMessageInputStream may throw a "no Content" MessagingException
  • [JAMES-1111] - JamesMailserver throws Exception if defaultDomain does not exist
  • [JAMES-1112] - ActiveMQ JMX try to bind to wrong JMX url
  • [JAMES-1113] - James fails to start if no domain is configured
  • [JAMES-1115] - James fails to start when Maildir is used because of an incorrect bean-name in spring-beans.xml
  • [JAMES-1116] - James fails to start when JCR Mailbox is used because of incorrect spring-beans.xml entries
  • [JAMES-1122] - ActiveMQMailQueue does not close inputstream correctly
  • [JAMES-1123] - getDomains Operation not accessable via JMX console

New Feature

  • [JAMES-948] - Composite pattern employed to implement And, Or, Xor and Not matcher.
  • [JAMES-1114] - Add Handler for the SMTPHandlerChain which set mail priority


  • [JAMES-348] - make JDK independent (e.g. also IBM JVM should work)
  • [JAMES-640] - large attachment (3 or more Mbyte) will make mbox repository very slow
  • [JAMES-1093] - Add POP3Session.getOutputStream() to allow to write message content efficient
  • [JAMES-1095] - Renable efficient handling of MimeMessageWrapper wrapping / cloning
  • [JAMES-1096] - MimeMessageWrapper should try to prevent copy of headers into memory when wrapping a MimeMessageWrapper instance
  • [JAMES-1097] - MimeMessageInputStream should optimize handling of MimeMessageWrapper and MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy
  • [JAMES-1100] - Make MimeMessageWrapper copy of Message configurable
  • [JAMES-1108] - Rewrite ActiveMQQueue to use BlobMessages and a custom BlobTransferPolicy
  • [JAMES-1121] - Restructure folder hierarchy in var folder


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