Release Notes - Axis2 - Version 1.6.2 - HTML format


  • [AXIS2-4190] - WSDL2JAVA Not generating code for <xsd:totalDigits> when databinding is ADB.
  • [AXIS2-4240] - Upgrade clients in UserGuide project to use AxisCallback instead of deprecated Callback
  • [AXIS2-4314] - service references are not completely removed in AxisConfiguration
  • [AXIS2-4408] - the problem of In-only method with throw exception
  • [AXIS2-4655] - in UserGuide has syntax errors
  • [AXIS2-4902] - Changes in Axiom OSGi support break Axis2 OSGi bundle
  • [AXIS2-4930] - handler class can't find, when using @HandlerChain in jaxws
  • [AXIS2-4989] - Fixing REST invocation problem where HTTP POST content is not properly URL decoded, where "+" character is occuring
  • [AXIS2-5009] - Issue in EnableChildFirstClassLoading functionality
  • [AXIS2-5010] - JAX-WS deployer tries to deploy services from repository/servicejars/lib
  • [AXIS2-5011] - Libraries are not loaded from repository/servicejars/lib for jaxws services
  • [AXIS2-5058] - Error while accessing the schema of a hierarchical service which has a schema import in the WSDL
  • [AXIS2-5072] - BeanUtil bombs on missing setter
  • [AXIS2-5105] - Validation fails when the nillable=false in element types in schema
  • [AXIS2-5111] - Asynchronous Axis client call timing out
  • [AXIS2-5124] - Client stub generated has errors if a child complex type overrides an existing attribute of the parent complex type with a different return type
  • [AXIS2-5130] - Error while running pojo sample with ADB client
  • [AXIS2-5145] - Apache Axis2 Code Generator Wizard - Eclipse Plugin - Not instantiating
  • [AXIS2-5153] - Service listing fails when using a custom context root
  • [AXIS2-5163] - Code generation eclipse plug-in not show up in Eclipse
  • [AXIS2-5167] - ConverterUtil.getStringFromDatahandler doesn't close InputStream
  • [AXIS2-5176] - HappyAxis.jsp found in error for axis2-1.6.1
  • [AXIS2-5181] - Axis2 1.5 With Spring Causing java.lang.VerifyError: JVMVRFY013
  • [AXIS2-5182] - org.apache.axis2.transport.http.SimpleHTTPServer seems to cast String to QName
  • [AXIS2-5183] - Null as first element in non-primitive array causes other array elements to be disregarded
  • [AXIS2-5188] - In BeanUtil class deserialize method should use Service ClassLoader to load bean classes.
  • [AXIS2-5195] - Infinite loop when deserializing an array that enclosed by a parent element with xsi:type attribute.
  • [AXIS2-5197] - DocLitBare responses does not contains xsi:type instance details.
  • [AXIS2-5199] - Deserialization of an array type property of a bean, while calling a web-service operation with an array of beans in the request, gives error
  • [AXIS2-5207] - JSON formatted content gives an error if there is a line break ('\n') or tab space ('\t') or carriage return ('\r') after the first curly bracket
  • [AXIS2-5215] - wsdl:fault tag missing for soap bindings in wsdl for In-Only POJO
  • [AXIS2-5241] - axis2-java2wsdl-maven-plugin Java2WSDLMojo and wrong Schema Generator property
  • [AXIS2-5243] - DefaultSchemaGenerator only process fields of a POJO
  • [AXIS2-5247] - REST functionality is broken in current trunk
  • [AXIS2-5253] - WSDL HTTP binding should define "application/xml" as the MIME content type for it's messages.
  • [AXIS2-5258] - The WSDL2Java ADB binding doesn't take namespace into account
  • [AXIS2-5262] - InvalidSecurity for first requests
  • [AXIS2-5264] - extraClass values should be trimmed before processing.
  • [AXIS2-5265] - AXIS2 codegen ignore faultstring when generating Exception objects.
  • [AXIS2-5338] - Axis1.5.3 Web service application unable to open more then 50 Concurrent Connections when tested from load runner.
  • [AXIS2-5438] - Namespace incorrectly added to unqualified elements
  • [AXIS2-5466] - Could not create URL from 'META-INF/
  • [AXIS2-5584] - Unable to generate Custom WSDL using Axis2
  • [AXIS2-5643] - [codegen] Problems with elements formed by complexType and xsd:all
  • [AXIS2-5647] - Hierarchical RESTful resources support
  • [AXIS2-5678] - org.apache.axis2.databinding.ADBException: Unexpected subelement
  • [AXIS2-5698] - Less Than Symbol [<] got replace to &lt in response string

New Feature

  • [AXIS2-5256] - Directory deployment for Axis2 deployment engine.


  • [AXIS2-4524] - Caching BeanInfo in adb module's BeanUtil improves performance
  • [AXIS2-4878] - Simple BeanInfo cache in helped us go from 48 second to 8 second request
  • [AXIS2-5069] - Configuration guide should clearly state the root elements and locations for axis2.xml services.xml and module.xml
  • [AXIS2-5107] - Axis2 should be able to read MTOM attachments directly from the input stream without building them in memory or a file.
  • [AXIS2-5118] - In high load scenarios with many threads, the call to Introspector.getBeanInfo(Class,Class) causes high synchronization resulting in system stall
  • [AXIS2-5119] - ComplexType array return performance issue
  • [AXIS2-5212] - Add getSimpleTypeObject(Class parameter, String text) method to org.apache.axis2.databinding.typemapping.SimpleTypeMapper

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