Release Notes - Harmony - Version 5.0M15 - HTML format


  • [HARMONY-6484] - Test cases for HARMONY-6482
  • [HARMONY-6507] - [classlib][imageio] Implementation for ordering feature of ServiceRegistry
  • [HARMONY-6508] - Remove the exception in method IIOServiceProvider.onDeregistration
  • [HARMONY-6509] - implementation of ImageWriterSpi.isOwnWriter and ImageReaderSpi.isOwnReader
  • [HARMONY-6518] - Implementation of method deregisterServiceProvider(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Class)
  • [HARMONY-6548] - Implementation of method deregisterServiceProvider(Object)
  • [HARMONY-6549] - Implementation of methods: setUseCache, getUseCache, setCacheDirectory and getCacheDirectory
  • [HARMONY-6550] - remove NotImplementedException marker for few methods that have been implemented
  • [HARMONY-6551] - Implement ServiceRegistry.contains()
  • [HARMONY-6552] - Implement ServiceRegistry.deregisterAll()
  • [HARMONY-6553] - Implement ServiceRegistry.lookupProviders(class)
  • [HARMONY-6562] - Implement ImageTypeSpecifier.createIndexed()
  • [HARMONY-6563] - Implement ImageTypeSpecifier.createGrayscale()
  • [HARMONY-6564] - Implement ImageTypeSpecifier.createInterleaved()
  • [HARMONY-6566] - Implement ImageTypeSpecifier.createBufferedImage() and ImageTypeSpecifier.getBufferedImageType()
  • [HARMONY-6567] - Implement ImageTypeSpecifier.createBanded()
  • [HARMONY-6572] - Implement ImageTypeSpecifier.createFromBufferedImageType()
  • [HARMONY-6578] - Implement missing functionalities in ImageOutputStreamImpl class
  • [HARMONY-6579] - Implement ServiceRegistry.finalize()
  • [HARMONY-6592] - [classlib][awt] Color.getBlue failed on FOP's test case
  • [HARMONY-6602] - Implement PNGMetadataFormat


  • [HARMONY-2419] - [classlib][swing] JTree.DynamicUtilTreeNode.clone() returns DefaultMutableTreeNode object
  • [HARMONY-2449] - [classlib][beans] java.beans.DefaultPersistenceDelegate.mutatesTo() should throw NPE for null parameter.
  • [HARMONY-6384] - Jar decoding breaks upon encountering a Z_SYNC_FLUSH block
  • [HARMONY-6458] - [classlib] [portlib] unix/hysock.c hysock_bind has redundant code
  • [HARMONY-6470] - [classlib][luni] Scanner will exhaust all heap memory when parse a large file
  • [HARMONY-6475] - [classlib][nio] - throw AccessControlException when SecurityManager is installed
  • [HARMONY-6485] - [classlib][text] DecimalFormat applyPattern error
  • [HARMONY-6493] - [classlib][nio]DatagramChannel should be "bounded" after calling the sendto
  • [HARMONY-6499] - [classlib][luni] URLStreamHandler.parseURL throws different exception to RI in some cases
  • [HARMONY-6510] - [classlib][luni] URLClassLoader.findResources(null) returns null instead of an empty Enumeration
  • [HARMONY-6511] - [classlib][luni]ProxyMethod.matchMethod() should not replace the parent exception with the sub class if they are both in the throw list
  • [HARMONY-6520] - [classlib][build] windows build fails with ant 1.8.x
  • [HARMONY-6532] - [classlib][luni]SocketPermission does NOT support compressed IPV6 address, should pass in full form address
  • [HARMONY-6533] - [classlib] [luni] Proxy.getProxyClass's interfaces paramter should be declared as varargs
  • [HARMONY-6536] - [classlib][luni] HttpOutputStream.write() need throw IOException only when fixed mode is set to true
  • [HARMONY-6537] - [classlib][luni] JarFile can not accept entry name contains special url format
  • [HARMONY-6543] - [classlib][swing] javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicArrowButton
  • [HARMONY-6544] - [classlib][luni]Windows file path causes IllegalArgumentException
  • [HARMONY-6545] - [classlib][prefs]Clear up work of PreferencesTest fails
  • [HARMONY-6547] - [classlib][luni] String.replace("", CharSequence) goes out of memory
  • [HARMONY-6556] - [classlib][luni] URL.equals(Object) returns false when host and address are null
  • [HARMONY-6557] - [classlib][build] Xerces 2.9.1 zip no longer available, update to 2.10.0
  • [HARMONY-6559] - [classlib][luni]Quotation marks causes IllegalArgumentException
  • [HARMONY-6561] - [classlib][luni]HttpConnection should not throw a IOException if the server return 401 but does not provide a WWW-Authenticate header.
  • [HARMONY-6569] - [classlib][nio]Socket from SocketChannel should return the local address after a bind.
  • [HARMONY-6570] - [classlib][luni] BufferedOutputStream.write throws IOE
  • [HARMONY-6573] - [classlib][luni] Can't load classes with file://// and URL class
  • [HARMONY-6576] - [classlib][luni] PipedOutputStream.write throws PipeNotConnected Exception
  • [HARMONY-6580] - [classlib][nio] SocketChannel.write eat more bytes than expected.
  • [HARMONY-6581] - [classlib][luni] HttpURLConnectionImpl throws IAE if URL has space or special character in it
  • [HARMONY-6582] - [classlib][luni]String.indexOf behaves wrongly if the string contains any Supplementary Characters
  • [HARMONY-6583] - [classlib][luni]String.lastIndexOf behaves wrongly if the string contains any Supplementary Characters
  • [HARMONY-6586] - [classlib][luni] throws BindException when the accept fails with ECONNABORTED
  • [HARMONY-6587] - [drlvm] Maybe we should give one more try on the file given to a process.
  • [HARMONY-6589] - [classlib][luni] Cannot pick up proper user.language and properties
  • [HARMONY-6590] - [classlib][luni]A issue about CharsetEncoder.flush() in the OutputStreamWriter.close()
  • [HARMONY-6591] - [classlib][sql]public static properties of SyncFactory and SyncProvider shoud NOT be "final" according to the specification
  • [HARMONY-6594] - [classlib][nio_char] CharsetEncoder.flush(Bytebuffer) doesn't follow the spec and RI's behavior
  • [HARMONY-6595] - [classlib][nio]java.nio.channels.SocketChannel.write() throws SocketException in non-blocking mode
  • [HARMONY-6596] - [classlib][portlib] Compile of portlib/src/main/native/port/unix/hysock.c on z/OS fails with undeclared identifier IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP
  • [HARMONY-6600] - [classlib][regex]Matcher does not override the toString() mentioned in spec on harmony 5
  • [HARMONY-6622] - [jdktools][jar]jar command throws FileNotFoundException when creating jar file with absolute file path
  • [HARMONY-6623] - [classlib][archive]Deflater.setlevel/setStrategy throws IllegalStateException if inputBuffer is not null
  • [HARMONY-6631] - [jdktools][keytool] All interactive input is truncated by one character on linux
  • [HARMONY-6647] - [classlib][luni]MulticastSocketTest.test_joinGroupLjava_net_SocketAddressLjava_net_NetworkInterface failure on windows due to non-real interfaces
  • [HARMONY-6649] - String.toLowerCase/toUpperCase incorrect for supplementary characters


  • [HARMONY-6502] - [classlib][luni] String.substring does not throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException with index
  • [HARMONY-6534] - [classlib][luni] construct UnsupportedEncodingException with name of encoding
  • [HARMONY-6597] - [classlib][print] added nls to print
  • [HARMONY-6598] - [classlib][lang-management] added nls to lang-management
  • [HARMONY-6635] - FloatingPointParser uses toLowerCase unnecessarily


  • [HARMONY-6574] - [classlib][swing]javax.swing.text.html.FormViewTest.testActionPerformed() failed on RI on Windows and Linux platform
  • [HARMONY-6608] - [classlib][archive]Unit tests to improve the coverage of archive module
  • [HARMONY-6618] - [jdktools] Additional Unit tests to increase the functional verification for javac

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