Release Notes - MyFaces CODI - Version 1.0.5 - HTML format


  • [EXTCDI-273] - windowhandler.js in the playground example is broken
  • [EXTCDI-277] - custom path with nested page-config
  • [EXTCDI-279] - override view-controller callbacks


  • [EXTCDI-269] - SimpleServiceProvider should fail fast in case of an invalid service
  • [EXTCDI-270] - improved support for wls12c
  • [EXTCDI-271] - improved root-bean-manager support
  • [EXTCDI-275] - The possibility of show an error message in the @InitView method when the page load for the first time
  • [EXTCDI-276] - restrict private view-controller callbacks
  • [EXTCDI-278] - allow multiple redirects via view-configs


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