Release Notes - Apache Avro - Version 1.3.3 - HTML format


  • [AVRO-450] - Python - Ruby interoperability failing with "Mail" client/server example
  • [AVRO-461] - ruby side cannot skip primitives
  • [AVRO-496] - python is broken
  • [AVRO-499] - reflection does not handle interfaces with overloaded method names
  • [AVRO-500] - ruby side dev packaging
  • [AVRO-516] - ruby: buffer length should not be little-endian in socket rpc
  • [AVRO-517] - Resolving Decoder fails in some cases
  • [AVRO-524] - DataFileWriter.appendTo leads to intermittent IOException during write()
  • [AVRO-527] - Undefined variable "schm" error
  • [AVRO-548] - Python client should handle CLIENT handshake match status correctly
  • [AVRO-554] - data files created by ruby DataWriter are extremely large
  • [AVRO-555] - missing license header
  • [AVRO-562] - ruby side has busted client handshaking


  • [AVRO-486] - A more ruby-ish DataFile API.
  • [AVRO-491] - ruby implementation can do doubles and floats better
  • [AVRO-504] - ruby impl could stand better error messages on schema parsing
  • [AVRO-511] - ruby side should pass the rpc interop tests
  • [AVRO-514] - Ruby impl has unnecessary StringIO calls in Responder.
  • [AVRO-525] - remove unused imports
  • [AVRO-526] - Fall back to pure Python StringIO if cStringIO is not available
  • [AVRO-543] - ruby: schema comparison is hella slow
  • [AVRO-556] - Poor performance for Reader::readBytes can be easily improved
  • [AVRO-559] - Handle read_union error where the list index of the union branch to follow exceeds the size of the union schema
  • [AVRO-560] - Python impl should include system errors in every protocol
  • [AVRO-597] - Avro should be usable from JDK 1.5 programs

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