Release Notes - Axiom - Version 1.2.14 - HTML format


  • [AXIOM-357] - throws NPE when used to copy a SOAPEnvelope containing a SOAP 1.1 SOAPFault
  • [AXIOM-401] - Creating a builder from a DOMSource only works with Woodstox
  • [AXIOM-419] - Multiple issues in OMDataSourceExtBase
  • [AXIOM-421] - Client stub creating empty node with values in request
  • [AXIOM-422] - SOAPElement#checkParent not invoked consistently
  • [AXIOM-425] - DOM non-conformance: Attr should be a parent node
  • [AXIOM-429] - The result of OMContainer#addChild should not depend on the state (completeness) of the parent
  • [AXIOM-432] - Updating the last child is not correct unless we are replacing the last child
  • [AXIOM-433] - SOAPBodyImpl class from the APIs has got a flag for check hasFault and the flag is not synchronized with the SOAP Body's content.
  • [AXIOM-437] - OMDocType not serialized correctly
  • [AXIOM-439] - Reporting unexpected END OF DOCUMENT
  • [AXIOM-441] - Unable to parse XML with empty default namespace attribute value with OpenJDK StAX implementation
  • [AXIOM-442] - Null pointer exception in MTOM validation


  • [AXIOM-399] - Allow creation of OMSourcedElements with unknown local name and namespace URI
  • [AXIOM-412] - DOOM's OMFactory implementation should be stateless
  • [AXIOM-416] - Enable streaming of the root part of a MIME message using the Attachments API
  • [AXIOM-417] - Optimize XMLStreamReaderUtils#getDataHandlerReader when used on a coalescing parser
  • [AXIOM-420] - Support push-only OMDataSources
  • [AXIOM-423] - WSS4J fails when processing SAML Tokens since has not implemented some required methods such as lookupNamespaceURI(), hence Rampart Trust module fails.
  • [AXIOM-435] - Consistently implement support for entity references


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