Apache Gora Google Summer of Code 2013 Ideas Page

Each project proposal should be annotated as fully and in as relevant a manner as possible, clearly defining the project scope, aim and objectives.

1.Project: gora-oraclenosql

Project Aim

To create a gora-oraclenosql datastore for Gora. This will allow users to use Gora with Oracle's NoSQL database for solving their big data, NoSQL storage problems.

Project Objectives

  • Research the Oracle NoSQL Community Edition Data model, features and functionality
  • Analyze existing gora-datastore implementations E.g. gora-cassandra, gora-hbase, gora-sql, gora-accumulo and gora-dynamodb
  • compare all of the above to determine when the gora-oraclenosql data store should be used as an alternative to other
  • Review the Oracle NoSQL Database API and identify areas of key importance
  • Document the conclusions in the form of the new Java coded gora-oraclenosql datastore which will be attached to the Gora wiki and actively reviewed throughout the project.

Project Scope

The successful candidate will be VOTE'ed for by the Gora PMC after the student applications have been received. Based on successful project acceptance into the GSoC programme, and in compliance with the procedures outlined on the GSoC timeline, the student will begin work on the project around the beginning of May.



2.Project: Support Cascading in Gora to utilize Map Reduce.

Project Aim

Cascading is an application framework to simply develop robust Data Analytics and Data Management applications on Apache Hadoop. Gora initially have the goal of Map Reduce support for data in the data store using Apache Hadoop. Get the support of Cascading will be a key for lowering the barrier for Gora users who wish to utilise Map Reduce through the Gora API. [ 1 , 2 ]

Project Objectives

  • Research Cascading project and identify which of the functions should be adopted.
  • Analyze used functions of Apache Hadoop in Gora and functions which can be used after adopting Cascading.
  • Implement the identified functions using the Cascading.
  • Review and test the implemented functions.
  • Document the work during the project that will help the users of Gora.

Project Scope

Project scope will be set in order to be completed withing the timeline of Gsoc 2013 suggested by the Gora PMC and student will start his work
according to the timeline. [ 3 ]


1. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GORA-112
2. http://www.cascading.org/
3. http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/events/google/gsoc2013

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