- [FALCON-14] - secure falcon daemon
- [FALCON-15] - Secure Hadoop client interface
- [FALCON-16] - Secure Oozie client interface
- [FALCON-17] - Secure Falcon Web Interface
- [FALCON-18] - Secure Falcon Client Interface
- [FALCON-218] - Secure the interface between Prism and Falcon Server in Distributed mode of execution
- [FALCON-219] - Secure hive/hcatalog client interface
- [FALCON-220] - Post processing should propagate user information in messages for offline processing
- [FALCON-227] - Secure Dashboard - need to send a valid user instead of 'admin'
- [FALCON-229] - Enable SSL for Falcon REST API
- [FALCON-231] - Document security configuration
- [FALCON-254] - Bootstrap designer module
- [FALCON-259] - Design Transformation Interface
- [FALCON-281] - Design Action Interface
- [FALCON-286] - Capture information in process entity about the user workflow
- [FALCON-287] - Record lineage information in post processing
- [FALCON-288] - Persist lineage information into a persistent store
- [FALCON-289] - Provide REST APIs for discovering lineage metadata over the store
- [FALCON-290] - Visualize lineage information on the dashboard
- [FALCON-324] - Document lineage feature
- [FALCON-334] - Add indexing to the graph property keys
- [FALCON-354] - Bug when MetadataMappingService is not configured as one of the application services
- [FALCON-358] - REST API does not conform to Rexster
- [FALCON-359] - Instance id's captured are of different formats in process and feed
- [FALCON-360] - Lineage recording fails with NPE for processes with >1 inputs
- [FALCON-366] - Add a REST API to get properties for a given vertex
- [FALCON-370] - Remove Graph dump option in CLI
- [FALCON-371] - Show vertex information in the web UI
- [FALCON-373] - Display lineage link only for jobs that are succeeded in the web UI
- [FALCON-413] - Update trunk version to 0.6-incubating-SNAPSHOT
- [FALCON-414] - Create branch-0.5 and update version to 0.5-incubating
- [FALCON-415] - Update release notes in CHANGES.txt in branch and trunk
- [FALCON-439] - Update the copyright in Notice and License files
- [FALCON-440] - Exclude IDEA IntelliJ and other unnecessary files from source distribution
- [FALCON-447] - Remove the jar file form the source distribution
- [FALCON-448] - File names in the release should have apache as the prefix
- [FALCON-449] - Twik documentation files may need ALv2 headers
- [FALCON-450] - Add jdk 1.6 requirement in release notes
- [FALCON-451] - Modify compile instructions to compile from a source release
- [FALCON-452] - Remove .txt suffix from DISCLAIMER, CHANGES, LICENSE, NOTICE
- [FALCON-453] - possible LICENSE/NOTICE issues
- [FALCON-454] - Include a header for each key entry
- [FALCON-28] - unable to submit/delete feed or process which had been attempted submit with wrong cluster
- [FALCON-38] - Falcon's parent workflow actions (pre-processing & post-processing) should have mulitple retries
- [FALCON-98] - starting embedded hadoop fails sometimes
- [FALCON-106] - Falcon compilation fails for hadoop-2 profile
- [FALCON-123] - Improve build speeds in falcon
- [FALCON-200] - Bump Hive and hcatalog version to 0.12.0, aslo change the group id for webhcat-java-client
- [FALCON-206] - Process update for wf changes
- [FALCON-221] - Logmover is not copying all action level logs
- [FALCON-225] - Feed submit for table should check if oozie supports hcat
- [FALCON-226] - Tests for subscribing/listening to multiple active-mq topics
- [FALCON-228] - Build failed on build-tools module
- [FALCON-232] - mvn clean verify fails with oozie war not found
- [FALCON-236] - Falcon process output events which is optional should have at least one event if defined
- [FALCON-239] - Build failed on build-tools due to a missing SNAPSHOT
- [FALCON-241] - The job logs are not copied during Post-Processing step in Replication workflows
- [FALCON-242] - Post processing is not called in Retention workflows
- [FALCON-249] - Fix mistakes in docs/InstallationSteps.html
- [FALCON-257] - File system storage wont work with relative paths
- [FALCON-260] - When a process is scheduled, the user workflow is failing with OozieClientException
- [FALCON-262] - Example files should use aligned dependency versions
- [FALCON-264] - Update with endTime in CLI
- [FALCON-266] - HCatalog partition registration with same HDFS location format within process
- [FALCON-268] - Checkstyle/Findbugs issues on FalconCLI
- [FALCON-269] - Mistake in the embedded ActiveMQ port property
- [FALCON-270] - Checkstyle can not be run on a module
- [FALCON-278] - Changes in feed availability info doesn't update process
- [FALCON-284] - Hcatalog based feed retention doesn't work when partition filter spans across multiple partition keys
- [FALCON-293] - NOTICE files include dependencies with MIT and 3-clause BSD licenses, which are unnecessary
- [FALCON-297] - Validations on update with effective time
- [FALCON-302] - Issues with distributed package properties
- [FALCON-304] - Simplify assembly for script in standalone and distributed mode
- [FALCON-311] - Several dead links in Falcon documentation
- [FALCON-312] - Falcon LogCleanupServiceTest seems to clean up root "/"
- [FALCON-315] - Trunk build broken
- [FALCON-317] - Falcon does not start in embedded mode post build
- [FALCON-319] - Summary instance API returning wrong exception
- [FALCON-321] - Feed evictor deleting more stuff than it should
- [FALCON-323] - Summary API deserialization fails if array has only one element
- [FALCON-330] - Build fails for the module 'Apache Falcon CLI client ' on ubuntu
- [FALCON-331] - Summary API returning NPE if only start is passed
- [FALCON-332] - Oozie execution order is wrongly mapped in Falcon for LAST_ONLY
- [FALCON-333] - jsp-api dependency is defined twice
- [FALCON-336] - FALCON-331 introduced a check style error - builds fail
- [FALCON-343] - Post entity XSDs in a public place so users can use that to validate the entity definitions
- [FALCON-344] - FeedEvictorTest failure
- [FALCON-346] - Feed can't be submitted
- [FALCON-347] - Retention FeedEvictorTest fails
- [FALCON-352] - old properties not removed on refresh of runtime properties
- [FALCON-355] - Remove SLAMonitoringService
- [FALCON-357] - HCatalog Feed replication: Hive export job fails when table partition contains multiple dated columns
- [FALCON-363] - Jetty is started with war when the war is already expanded
- [FALCON-364] - Process specification contains a mistake in the parallel section
- [FALCON-365] - Remove the checked in oozie xsds
- [FALCON-374] - Update with effective time in CLI
- [FALCON-377] - Unit test fails consistently - EntityManagerJerseyIT.testProcessInputUpdate
- [FALCON-378] - Feed status fails with NPE post update when the new coordinator is in PREP state
- [FALCON-379] - Document limitations of Hive support in Falcon
- [FALCON-381] - Document the ability to set maxMaps on replication
- [FALCON-390] - falcon HCatProcess tests are failing in secure clusters
- [FALCON-395] - Falcon service does not start when _HOST is used in the spnego principal
- [FALCON-396] - minor logging typo in FalconTopicSubscriber
- [FALCON-397] - DistCp uses JobSubmissionFiles API which is incompatible between hadoop versions
- [FALCON-398] - Null pointer Exception on submitting HCat Feed
- [FALCON-401] - replicate hcat table to two targets can fail with export dir exists on source
- [FALCON-409] - Not able to create a package
- [FALCON-418] - Webapp doesn't compile
- [FALCON-420] - hcatalog replication is failing as current user is trying to write to path owned by falcon
- [FALCON-425] - src/bin/ is broken for hadoop 2.* versions
- [FALCON-426] - Prism unable to connect to falcon server if falcon endpoint URL ends with '/' character
- [FALCON-427] - Update default falcon endpoint URL in for prism setup to work out of box
- [FALCON-429] - Falcon CLI entity list command throws NPE stack trace in case of no entities
- [FALCON-437] - Feed Replication workflows are failing
- [FALCON-494] - update feature broken
- [FALCON-571] - user libs not getting loaded during process execution
- [FALCON-582] - Latest changes to LICENSE files results in build failure
- [FALCON-597] - String logged at the start and end of the merlin test are slightly mismatched
- [FALCON-691] - Build issues - Hadoop-2 profile
- [FALCON-727] - JQuery license is incorrectly mentioned in the header file
- [FALCON-764] - Falcon retry of failed process/feed instances broken during restart
- [FALCON-842] - remove hard coded ports from feed late data test
New Feature
- [FALCON-238] - Support updates at specific time
- [FALCON-300] - get the feed name and/or feed definition given a hdfs path
- [FALCON-11] - Add support for security in Falcon
- [FALCON-26] - Pipeline Monitor addition
- [FALCON-64] - Add example entity xmls in falcon package
- [FALCON-66] - Make oozie version change configurable
- [FALCON-233] - Update hadoop 2 version to 2.2.0
- [FALCON-247] - Add scripts to check the status of falcon and prism
- [FALCON-252] - Upgrade to json-simple 1.1.1
- [FALCON-271] - Upgrade to maven-surefire-plugin 2.16
- [FALCON-342] - Add ability to set maxMaps on replication
- [FALCON-356] - Merge OozieProcessMapper and OozieProcessWorkflowBuilder
- [FALCON-367] - Bump dagre and jquery version for the web UI
- [FALCON-369] - Refactor workflow builder
- [FALCON-380] - The dependency option doesn't mention input or output for a feed
- [FALCON-391] - Add ability to set mapBandwidth
- [FALCON-392] - HCat recipes
- [FALCON-393] - Display error messages when the web UI fails to get the data from the server
- [FALCON-412] - Release falcon 0.5 umbrella
- [FALCON-421] - Upgrade Hadoop to 2.4.0
- [FALCON-572] - HadoopUtil cleanup in falcon-regression
- [FALCON-245] - POM should use Apache POM as parent
- [FALCON-386] - Upgrade to oozie 4.0.1
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