Release Notes - DeltaSpike - Version 1.9.1 - HTML format


  • [DELTASPIKE-1330] - Criteria with OR generate AND on query
  • [DELTASPIKE-1356] - BOM imports more dependencies than it should
  • [DELTASPIKE-1371] - JPACriteriaAPISupport Documentation exemple wrong
  • [DELTASPIKE-1372] - Test-Control module has a undeclared and undocumented de-facto runtime dependency on core-impl
  • [DELTASPIKE-1373] - Fixed documentation Core - Injecting Resources
  • [DELTASPIKE-1374] - Site has no reference to the release of version 1.9.0
  • [DELTASPIKE-1377] - issue with @Repository + @Query annotation and clustered wildfly
  • [DELTASPIKE-1378] - EntityManagerRefLookup returns null globalEntityManager when lazyInitGlobalEntityManager is called by multiple threads
  • [DELTASPIKE-1380] - Concurrently initialization causes "Argument bean must not be null"
  • [DELTASPIKE-1382] - ClientWindowRenderMode.CLIENTWINDOW breaks Back button in certain Browser/BrowserPlugin combinations
  • [DELTASPIKE-1383] - Authorizer is marked initialized before being fully initialed. NullPointerException follows.


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